keofra 發表於 2012-3-30 20:00:33


                                                        <div id="postmessage_34866168" class="t_msgfont"><font size="2"><img src="" border="0" onclick="" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')" alt="" /><br />
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</font><font size="2"><font color="white">【片 名 :】新白娘子傳奇<br />
【集 數 :】50集<br />
【年 份 :】1992年11月5日<br />
【格 式 :】D-MKV<br />
【尺 寸 :】640x480<br />
</font></font><font size="2"><font color="white">【字 幕 :】繁英雙字幕可切換<br />
【監 制 :】夏祖輝<br />
【演 員 :】<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 白素貞(趙雅芝飾)<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 許 仙(葉 童飾)<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 青 兒(陳美琪飾)<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 許仕林(葉 童飾)<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 胡媚娘(趙雅芝飾)<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 法 海(乾德門飾)<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 許姣容(尹寶蓮飾)<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 李公甫(江 明飾)<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 李碧蓮(夏光莉飾)<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 戚寶山(石乃文飾)<br />
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【內容簡介:】<br />
</font></font><font color="white"><font size="2">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 白素貞(趙雅芝飾)原是在山野中修煉的一條小白蛇,一日小白蛇被捕蛇老人所捕獲,險遭殺身之禍,幸虧被一位小牧童所救,素貞暗自起誓,此救命之恩永誌銘心,「山中歲月容易過,世上繁華已千年」,素貞經過一千七百年的修煉,終於蛻盡蛇身,得以化做人形,本欲往峨嵋山繼續修煉,但經觀音大士指點,方憶起人間還有一段情緣未了,素貞依照觀音大士的指引,來到杭州西湖尋找前世救命恩人--許仙…<br />
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  途中遇見青蛇(陳美琪飾),兩人結為主樸,青白二蛇在西湖的斷橋上找到了許仙(葉童飾),兩人一見鍾情,白素貞以身相許,與許仙結為夫妻,而小青與白素貞雖名為主樸,卻和素貞情同姐妹,婚後許仙、素貞夫妻恩愛,白素貞為助許仙開設藥鋪,支使小青偷盜取錢塘庫銀,東窗事發,小青施法迫使知縣輕判,發配姑蘇,素貞一路找來,終和許仙相見,素貞說謊騙過了許仙盜庫銀之事,夫妻二人便在姑蘇開設藥鋪保安堂。<br />
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  端午佳節,白素貞飲下雄黃酒,卻現出原形嚇死許仙,素貞救夫心切而趕至瑤池求取仙丹,仙丹求取不成,只得硬搶,王母震怒,欲處死白素貞,辛觀音大士出手相救,救了夫妻兩人。其後,許仙因為醫術高明而得罪同行三皇祖師會的成員,成員設計陷害,但都為素貞一一化解,素貞為了不讓許仙出醜,令小青偷盜梁王府四件寶物供出展覽,梁王雖有查覺,素貞卻以寶物為蠻邦貢品要脅梁王爺,王爺自知理虧,遂令知縣輕判許仙至鎮江。而素貞亦懷了許仙的骨肉,可惜好景不常,昔日和素貞結下樑子的蛤蟆精,如今已成為得道高僧法海(乾德門飾),法海為一己之私,欲除去白素貞,將許仙強留於金山寺,目地為逼白素貞觸犯天條,白素貞為救夫婿,聯合小青前往金山寺要人,法海咄咄逼人,素貞忍無可忍,發動水族,水漫金山,誓和法海一較高下,不料卻使無辜鎮江百姓淪為波臣,因而犯了天條。<br />
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  事後許仙知曉素貞的身份,但倆人卻是更加恩愛,許仙,素貞,和小青三人搬回許仙姐姐許蛟容(伊寶蓮飾)家住,一家和樂。許仙和素貞開設保和堂,濟世活人,並且除去了地方禍害-蜈蚣精。但就在素貞生下孩子仕林(葉童飾)之後,法海以昔日素貞因幫夫心切,和小青數次偷盜庫銀及珍寶,害得許仙官司纏身,牢獄不斷;為害人群,戲弄官府,加上水漫金山,生靈塗碳,是為天理所不容。而將素貞鎮於雷峰塔下,告其曰:「二十年之後,待文曲星中狀元之日,就是你出塔之時…」。許仙傷心欲絕,將仕林交予姐姐撫養,獨自前往金山寺出家,以彌補罪過,為素貞贖罪早日出塔。<br />
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  二十年後,仕林已長大成人,蛟容和李公甫(江明飾)告知仕林自己的身世後,仕林便發奮圖強,立誓必救回生母白素貞,而昔日被白素貞除去的蜈蚣精之父-金鈸法王為報殺子之仇,利用善良的玉兔精胡媚娘(趙雅芝飾)和采因,欲加害仕林,不料,媚娘和仕林日久生情,媚娘始終下不了手,最後媚娘為救仕林,自己卻落得魂飛魄散…,素貞雖在塔中,卻感應仕林有難,素貞為救仕林而衝出寶塔,雖救了仕林,但遭「除非西湖水乾,雷峰塔倒,否則永世也不得出塔」的刑罰。<br />
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  仕林不負眾望,奪得狀元,祭拜於雷峰塔前,孝感動天,素貞得以出塔,重見天日,仕林與表妹碧蓮結為夫妻。而素貞、小青、法海及許仙四人也因因果已解,功德圓滿,得歸天界…<br />
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The legend of white snake is a beautiful and moving folktale. It tells how the fairy maiden bai suzhen struggles against the rascally monk fa hai, the representative of the reactionary feudal forces, in her pursuit fo freedoms and happiness, reflecting the sharp conflict between the common people and feudal ruling clases. In this story we see the people's yearning for freedom and their ever-defiant stand against the oppressive forces of feudalism.<br />
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The story has evolved over a period of about hundreds of years. Textual research indicates that it first appeared in the song dynast(960-1279)story-tellers' prompt book the legend of the three tower by the west lake. In the ming dynasty(1368-1644)it appeared under the title madam bai crushed under thunder pagoda in the story collection Jingshi Tongyan. In the early Qing Dynasty(1644-1911)it was the theme of the opers, the legand of thunder pagoda, and then Later it is a theme in the tanci(a form of storytelling to the<br />
accompaniment of stringed instruments)repertoire, under the title the righteous witch, and others.</font><br />
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